Monday, July 17, 2006

Could we, the United States, threaten the Israelis to end their offensive stance? Would we be backing terrorists? What are the options? How can we end this crisis?

Israel is definitely taking advantage of a standard that we set. Or, rather, did we use Israeli precedent to proceed in our war in Iraq, therefore adding credence to
Israeli actions over the last 40 some odd years?

It is a mess. I take no sides and out of faith in
American diplomacy, I do not subscribe to Newt Gingrich's assertion that the recent flagrances are precurors to World War III, willingly wish this problem to blow over.

That, unfortunately is in the hands of our
current leaders.

What a mess.

More on this later.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Duke Immortal

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Multimedia message

Multimedia message

Multimedia message

Multimedia message

Multimedia message

Multimedia message

Thursday, July 13, 2006

How has American society become so confused and contradictory towards itself? Here is a sign that everything is spiraling towards an inevitable conservative onslaught of right winged Christianity shoved down the throat of teenage girls: Stephanie Rosenbloom's article in today's New York Times, Thursday Styles section (don't ask). I remember when the word slut was almost as harsh a slur towards a woman as the "C-word". And throughout my life, dealing with women, either my sisters, my mother, girlfriends, my experience has taught me that these two words are not ones you can just cast about and expect everything to be ok within five minutes. Has society dipped into a region where nothing is taboo, where there are no moral limits, no inclination of decency? Yeah I know I sound like a Born Again Christian freak, but I am making no claim that God has any say in what women should wear or how they should behave, nor does the government, nor do I, and nor should our schools. Hey, I love seeing half naked women on the street, but what bothers me is the age at which women are dressing like this, and becoming sexually active. Our culture is perverse and regressing towards primal times. It will have lasting effects upon the health of the society if the taboo becomes the unabashed norm. The show Sex and the City was horrendous for what it does to young women, it is great because all of the characters were career driven independent women, living in the greatest city in the world, but they were all sluts. And the show promoted promiscuity without once alluding to the fact that these women were still single and in their forties because they had a penchant for sleeping around and dressing like hookers.

What am I talking about. I sound like a Nazi.

To make myself seem even further like a National Socialist:

Can someone explain to me what right Israel has to just go out and start a war without consulting the world community, who do they think they are, the USA?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Wow, my blogging skills are lacking. I am actually being out blogged by Mango.

What's been happening...

Not much.

Italy won the World Cup. Azzurri! Materazzi has successfully typified Italian football and perhaps Italian's as a whole. That, however, depends upon how you choose to look at the headbutting incident that took place in the second overtime of the final.

Looking for a new job is tough, someone please help me!

Give me a job. A good one. I am looking towards the 100,000 to 700,000 salary range. Anywhere in between would be comfortable.

My mother had an accident about three weeks ago. Actually, she was knocked to the ground by her dog and fractured her pelvis in three places. Spent three weeks in the hospital and is now walking around the house with the aid of a walker. This has opened my eyes to how old my parents are getting and how inept my father is at attempting to live without a fully functional spouse. I mean my mother is walking around with a freaking walker! My grandmother (god bless her liquor pickled Irish soul) needed a walker to get around the house after breaking her hip and knees several times attempting to walk down the staircase after popping pain killers washed down with J&B and Budweiser. She was in her mid to late sixties when the first of about three falls occurred. In my mothers defense she prefers Dewars and usually starts drinking in the late afternoon as opposed to early mornings as she so witnessed her mother do. So it has come to be that my perception of an aging matriarch happens to need the aid of a walker to get around the house. As it would be with most people I would assume. Just hard to fathom one of my parents needing one...yet.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006








I hate Italian football.

But, God, did that feel great.



It hurts to be an Italian/Irish American. But, I bet I can find you about twenty fellow New Yorkers, who share that same dual heritage and can claim the same heartfelt joy that I experienced this afternoon with about four phone calls. If New York is the world....then ITALIA is the universe right now.

Ginzolinos celebrating Grosso's goal in extra time.

This has been the proudest day as an Italian, ever in my life.


I nearly performed the sacrament and about 200 Holy Mothers to keep England's hopes alive.

For the time crossing myself was enough (after Lahm's shot in extra time), which in the eyes of many a Roman Catholic means this team is truly blessed.

Well in my eyes at least!