I had a dream last night, well more like a nightmare, that I was chilling at a friends apartment somewhere, not sure whose though. I was looking out the window and saw something streaking out of the sky...at first I thought it was a meteor or some sort of shooting star, but then it rammed into the ground just on the horizon and caused this massive mushroom cloud fireball explosion. I flipped and so did everyone else in the dream, complete madness, next thing I know I'm running down the street and the sky is pitch black and explosions are going off everywhere. I'm running, looking for somewhere to hide, but not sure where too, 'cause in the back of my mind I know that a huge shockwave has to be coming through soon. And just at that point, BOOM, shockwave, black, I'm dead. I wake up gasping for air. 
Very scary dream.
Are my posts becoming more and more juvenile? I promise some more relevant and provocative posts when I have the time. Besides I am pretty lame about posting consistently anyway. I wonder if people even still check this page out?
Note to self: Please put sunscreen on your face the next time you go to the beach. This is probably the third year in a row that you've managed to burn three layers of skin off your face and scalp after lathering your entire body with sunscreen but your face. And now your entire beet red face is shedding dead skin in chunks. So gross.