Dog Sitting in Chelsea
I am helping my girlfriend dog sit. By doing this we get to stay in an apartment in Chelsea for the rest of the week. The apartment is nice and is not far from Union Square and the rest of the Village. Let it be known though that Chelsea is a very colorful neighborhood, very colorful...
For instance, we took the dog for a walk through a street fair yesterday and while GF was going through an endless rack of vintage clothes (going through as in EVERY ITEM), this guy walks up to the dog and I. I'm trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, standing off to the side smoking a cigarette, trying to send mind beams to my girlfriend to telegraphically tell her to hurry the fuck up. Anyway, guy walks up to dog and I, using the term guy loosely here, cause the only reason I could feasibly tell that this "guy" was in fact, a guy, was based solely upon the huge freaking sausage bulge sticking out through his tight Daisy-Duke's. Sausage Guy comes over towards dog and I and the fucking dog goes directly towards this guys crotch and starts sniffing his sausage!!! Sausage Guy stands there and juts his pelvis out more inviting the dog to do more sniffing, I quickly pull dog from sausage and happen to glance at the Sausage Guy, who now has a huge grin across his face knowing that this freak took great pleasure in allowing a dog to sniff his crotch (something dogs do regardless).
Also, GF and I saw Wynona Ryder at a store called Screaming Mimi's. Where I turned to GF and said, "Don't look now, Wynona Ryder is shoplifting right behind you." My girlfriend squealed when she realized it was really Wynona. I crack myself up...damn I'm funny. Regardless, after telling my entire family that I saw Wynona they made the same joke...runs in the family. BTW, Wynona was not shoplifting, but she was locked into an intense conversation with one of the sales people about how fashion today needs to move away the '80s because as Wynona put it, "I'm just so tired of that whole scene." Wow, talk about bitterness, this broad was an '80s icon! I wonder if she were to embrace the '80s again perhaps she could get cast in a movie and reignite her career, oh wait, she shoplifts nowadays.
That Vin's update from the city, maybe I'll be proactive and write another post tomorrow...probably not.
Going to Union Square to eat some noodles.
For instance, we took the dog for a walk through a street fair yesterday and while GF was going through an endless rack of vintage clothes (going through as in EVERY ITEM), this guy walks up to the dog and I. I'm trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, standing off to the side smoking a cigarette, trying to send mind beams to my girlfriend to telegraphically tell her to hurry the fuck up. Anyway, guy walks up to dog and I, using the term guy loosely here, cause the only reason I could feasibly tell that this "guy" was in fact, a guy, was based solely upon the huge freaking sausage bulge sticking out through his tight Daisy-Duke's. Sausage Guy comes over towards dog and I and the fucking dog goes directly towards this guys crotch and starts sniffing his sausage!!! Sausage Guy stands there and juts his pelvis out more inviting the dog to do more sniffing, I quickly pull dog from sausage and happen to glance at the Sausage Guy, who now has a huge grin across his face knowing that this freak took great pleasure in allowing a dog to sniff his crotch (something dogs do regardless).
Also, GF and I saw Wynona Ryder at a store called Screaming Mimi's. Where I turned to GF and said, "Don't look now, Wynona Ryder is shoplifting right behind you." My girlfriend squealed when she realized it was really Wynona. I crack myself up...damn I'm funny. Regardless, after telling my entire family that I saw Wynona they made the same joke...runs in the family. BTW, Wynona was not shoplifting, but she was locked into an intense conversation with one of the sales people about how fashion today needs to move away the '80s because as Wynona put it, "I'm just so tired of that whole scene." Wow, talk about bitterness, this broad was an '80s icon! I wonder if she were to embrace the '80s again perhaps she could get cast in a movie and reignite her career, oh wait, she shoplifts nowadays.
That Vin's update from the city, maybe I'll be proactive and write another post tomorrow...probably not.
Going to Union Square to eat some noodles.