Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Tavern

C: Should we leave
V: Dick I dont know
C: I think we should leave
V: I think we should leave also
C: What?
V: I think we should leave
C: OK lets leave

C & V pretend to try and find a credit card machine behind the bar and then pretend to be disappointed as they dont see one from at this freak bar in Little Neck.

Courtesy of C.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Soccer players are a bunch of cry-babies

Being a former high school varsity soccer player it is almost a carnal sin to admit that your beloved sport is chock full o' pansies. But, unfortunately, it is. And the US men's national team proved that yesterday. They effectively made the sport look soft in the eyes of many Americans after yesterdays performance against Ghana. The teams captain, Claudio Reyna, who I believed played the most inspired soccer throughout the World Cup Finals, came up lame after basically handing the ball to a Ghanaian forward inside the 18 yard box. Reyna proceeded to do this little cry baby act, expecting everyone to feel sorry for his wimpy ass. Now I have played with a fair share of cry baby soccer players in my day, these are the guys who give soccer its wimpy persona. You know the guys, always on the ground crying about being kicked in the shins, and for most of you who knew me when I played soccer can guess as to which teammates I am referring to. It was pitiful to witness Americas top soccer players acting this way on an international stage, truly uninspiring and whole- heartedly un-American. Landon Donovan, what a joke!

To make up for the tragedy that unfolded in the morning I and three buddies decided to go to Shea for an afternoon Pedro clinic. Lucky for us my buddy was able to secure four press box seats where we would enjoy free beer and food, permitting that we acted as if we belonged at the medical insurance company outing upon which we were crashing. The day was hot and being inside with an endless supply of beer was crucial as we watched Pedro pitch ok, Jose run the base paths, and David Wright (MVP) hit two bombs...that is a great day at Shea.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


The World Cup has finally started and the US team has already managed to embarrass. They played the Czech Republic yesterday afternoon and were made to look like a bunch of ten years olds playing against grown men. This is a direct result of the problem with American soccer; for sometime now international soccer has been focusing on the development and recruitment of larger young athletes for both club play and international levels. This is a trend that the US can't even pursue even if it were to do so, for the obvious reason, most American athletes are recruited to play the major sports, baseball, football, and basketball. These sports deplete the American athletic stock of coveted large athletes, usually six foot plus, around 200 pounds and able to run a 40 in 40. The American team yesterday looked like a bunch of frail boys compared to the more solid and put together Czechs.

It was possible for me to go to a game, the Italy vs. US game this weekend in fact, but could not get myself out of prior arrangements. I suck. is reporting that drinking coffee along with excessive alcohol abuse is beneficial to ones health, this is very exciting news for me, now I can continue to drink like a fish as well as continue my addiction to coffee and in the end everything will even itself out.

I am currently looking for a new job, which is really not going the way I expected it. I want to move into a new field, but it helps to have an idea of what field that might be.

Alberto, the season's first hurricane managed to surprise the hurricane center yesterday by reaching winds of up to 70 mph. The authorities spazzed and issued evacuations for parts of Florida's west coast. I can already tell that this hurricane season is going to be wrought with over reacting based upon last years disastrous outcome. This is going to piss people off and cause more problems in terms of motivating people to evacuate. How many times can you cry wolf? Look at how Floridians reacted to this one, they called it a "mosquito breeze."

Oh, and in case some of you are wondering what those really crummy images are? They are from the Pearl Jam concert I went to on the 3rd. I took them with my pathetic excuse for a camera phone. I had brought my digital, but was worried it might be confiscated or not allowed in which would mean a trip back to the car. So I resigned to leave it in the car. I now regret this decision as just about every single person entering the gates had cameras and all were allowed into the Meadowlands. Either way Pearl Jam rocked the house. They are bonafide rockstars and the type of band that can enjoy this level of longevity and a devoted fan base, and I challenge you to find a band in the last 15 years that can claim this.

Greatest graduation prank ever.

I hate idiots, and this guy is a big dumb idiot. Moron without a helmet.

And the Mets are awesome!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

World Cup Fantasy Game

Here is a pretty cool World Cup fantasy challenge provided by Skysports: World Cup Fantasy.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Multimedia message

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