Sunday, April 30, 2006

Keys to Life

-Be non-descriptive
-Be non-committal about almost everything
-Never walk barefoot unless at the beach
-Become obsessed with an activity or hobby for no longer then six-months, otherwise it becomes a responsibility
-Always ask the questions
-Never force someone to do something they don't want to do, they will think something is owed to them
-Read about something that interests you, and if you don't get it, re-read until you do, and then re-read over and over again until you know it by heart
-Keep up with the news
-Know a little bit about everything, so you are never left out of a conversation
-Screen phone calls
-Treat your friends as you would expect them to treat you
-Always over tip, even if you're down to your last dollar
-Listen to Bob Dylan
-Drink beer, wine and liquor liberally, they are the only pleasurable intoxicants allowed to us legally
-Never write in a passive voice
-Never take advice from others, go with your heart and if your heart is not there then don't make a decision
-Know history
-Let things roll off your back
-Don't hurt the ones who never intended to hurt you
-Sleep in Sundays
-When bored go for a ride or a walk, even if you have no where to go
-Be simple
-Charm people
-Fall in love
-Never accuse without precedence, you will look like a fool
-Know your facts, and if you don't have them right accept them when they are giving to you
-Be stubborn when you want something
-Be stubborn when you can't have what you want
-Be stubborn when it is not giving to you
-Don't be bitter and hold grudges
-Enjoy preparing and eating food
-Do not over obsess
-Over indulge
-Understand that your past mistakes were made for a reason even if you were unaware of the reasons at the time
-Go out of your way to make people laugh
-Never be greedy
-Be cautious
-Let people know when they're wrong and admit when you are
-Have convictions
-Be honest
-Always live by the sea

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Maggie

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Billy Joel - MSG

Sunday, April 16, 2006

King Jack

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Jillian in NY

Friday, April 14, 2006

Beautiful Beer

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Note To Self

Do not eat an entire bag of Cool Ranch Doritos at 2am the next time you return home from a card game.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


I recently brewed my first batch of homebrewed beer. It is an IPA and (not bragging here) is one of the best beers I have ever had. I look forward to making more beer in the near future. For all of you who know me, be sure to ask me to bring some of my first batch with me whenever I see you next. Which will hopefully be sooner than later, I'm going through this stuff like water.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mojo's Draft Day Bonanza (as promised)

Some Managers

Draftboard (Pre-Draft)


Scooie at the table

Dice and Manchu

Dice acting like Dice

Draftboard round three

"Ummm...Griffey! Will he get hurt?"

War Room

More War Room

He lives for this.

No one takes it more seriously. KNOW THIS!

Finished Draftboard

Mojo and crew getting down to business


Dice clearly wants to go home.

Too late the monster has been released!

"I think a Bud Light can is lodged in my throat?"

"I just ripped one...and it STINKS!"

Just a weird picture.

Four doosch-bags.

"Get me another beer! I need to keep Dice up as long as possible!"

Side Note

I have recently rediscovered the greatness of Pearl Jam and the uniqueness of Eddie Vedder's voice. It has been a very rewarding reunion. Hopefully they play the Garden this year. That's it.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Shea - Opening Day 2006