Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I am a sucker
I want a political candidate who makes me feel good, who does not threaten by way of scaring the wits out of me. I want Obama. I want to be unsure. I want inspiration. I want goosebumps. I want the true meaning of America. Freedom without prejudice, and unity without exclusion. The man represents that. I just want the hope, change, a new look.
Hillary is great, Bill is truly the man. But Obama is Americas future and the country needs it more than ever. Taking and making steps is the essence of America. This is our big step.
"Bitch is the new black" - Tina Fey (SNL)
She has to be a complete white asshole woman to make that statement. I intend to make no allusions to race or gender here, and let everyone know that Hillary would get elected in a slip-shot if Obama was not here, and that I would vote for her 100,000 times over if she were against any other MALE candidate.
BUT, the fact that Tina Fey has to bring up the race v. gender card is so much more revolting than watching that first post strike episode of SNL.
he makes me feel better than Hillary and that might have more to do with my upbringing, and how I feel about American demagogues than a simple asinine argument based upon gender.
More on that later. (I honestly doubt that though, but I will try)
Hillary is great, Bill is truly the man. But Obama is Americas future and the country needs it more than ever. Taking and making steps is the essence of America. This is our big step.
"Bitch is the new black" - Tina Fey (SNL)
She has to be a complete white asshole woman to make that statement. I intend to make no allusions to race or gender here, and let everyone know that Hillary would get elected in a slip-shot if Obama was not here, and that I would vote for her 100,000 times over if she were against any other MALE candidate.
BUT, the fact that Tina Fey has to bring up the race v. gender card is so much more revolting than watching that first post strike episode of SNL.
he makes me feel better than Hillary and that might have more to do with my upbringing, and how I feel about American demagogues than a simple asinine argument based upon gender.
More on that later. (I honestly doubt that though, but I will try)
Thursday, November 01, 2007
The Debate
Hillary botched it. Edwards is very slick. Barak looks a little overwhlemed. Richardson sweats too much. Kucinich is a weirdo. Dodd is a maverick with plastic surgery.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I have a blog? If you're reading this then you must really be interested in what I have to say, cause I haven't posted anything in about six months.
Regardless, to sum up the last six months in a word, busy. Moved, new job, summer weekends out east, no time to write, if the elaboration was needed.
Tragedy has finally hit my family, and hit it hard. My cousin's husband, Bill, was killed in a car accident in Connecticut in September. Truly tragic as he was only 31, married for four years, out looking at new homes with my cousin Colleen, when a Ford pick-up decided to veer into their lane on one of those stupid two lane country roads where they allow people to drive at speeds exceeding 55 miles per hour. The pickup and Bill's Audi convertible hit head-on at top speed, killing Bill but sparing my cousin with a lost tooth and bruises all over her body. My cousin Colleen and her brother and sister, Katie and James are practically siblings of mine as we grew up together in the same house in Bayside, Queens, and we all feel this loss, emotionally, at about the same level, but none so much as what Colleen has to endure at the age of 30.
For me, it hits in the sense that I do not feel as though I was able to get as close to Bill as I should have in the time that I knew him, roughly ten years, in and out at family functions and the like. I think I took it for granted that I would, throughout the years get to know Bill, in any true sense of the word, over time. But life is not permanent nor forgiven.
The most tragic part of this entire episode is that his brother had just returned from two tours of duty, in both Iraq and Afghanistan respectively, receiving a purple heart for shrapnel wounds to his legs. And to see, at Bills wake and funeral, the pains upon the face of his brother was to understand how fickle life is in regards to when it decides to leave.
Sorry about the depressing first post in a long while just needed to get something of my chest. I mean there is a great deal more to talk about on this subject, I'm just not really sure I can allow myself to write about on a blog, that no one probably will read anyway.

Me, Diana (my sister), and Colleen.
Regardless, to sum up the last six months in a word, busy. Moved, new job, summer weekends out east, no time to write, if the elaboration was needed.
Tragedy has finally hit my family, and hit it hard. My cousin's husband, Bill, was killed in a car accident in Connecticut in September. Truly tragic as he was only 31, married for four years, out looking at new homes with my cousin Colleen, when a Ford pick-up decided to veer into their lane on one of those stupid two lane country roads where they allow people to drive at speeds exceeding 55 miles per hour. The pickup and Bill's Audi convertible hit head-on at top speed, killing Bill but sparing my cousin with a lost tooth and bruises all over her body. My cousin Colleen and her brother and sister, Katie and James are practically siblings of mine as we grew up together in the same house in Bayside, Queens, and we all feel this loss, emotionally, at about the same level, but none so much as what Colleen has to endure at the age of 30.
For me, it hits in the sense that I do not feel as though I was able to get as close to Bill as I should have in the time that I knew him, roughly ten years, in and out at family functions and the like. I think I took it for granted that I would, throughout the years get to know Bill, in any true sense of the word, over time. But life is not permanent nor forgiven.
The most tragic part of this entire episode is that his brother had just returned from two tours of duty, in both Iraq and Afghanistan respectively, receiving a purple heart for shrapnel wounds to his legs. And to see, at Bills wake and funeral, the pains upon the face of his brother was to understand how fickle life is in regards to when it decides to leave.
Sorry about the depressing first post in a long while just needed to get something of my chest. I mean there is a great deal more to talk about on this subject, I'm just not really sure I can allow myself to write about on a blog, that no one probably will read anyway.

Me, Diana (my sister), and Colleen.